Payne Branch Restoration Project
Construction of a cross vane on Payne Branch as part of the restoration project.
Payne Branch
Tributary of the New River
Watauga County, Boone, NC
Status: Complete
Stream Restored: ~1,500 feet
Resource Concern/Issues:
Payne Branch suffered from multiple physical, ecological, and biological impacts. The old dam structure restricted streamflow, causing increased stormwater flow and sediment levels, poor water quality, and reduced habitat.
A j-hook vane constructed upstream of the former dam site on Payne Branch.
The decommissioned New River Light and Power dam prior to restoration on Payne Branch.
Project Objectives:
Remove decommissioned dam
Remove legacy excess sediment from dam
Stabilize the stream reach to prevent further aggradation or degradation by providing an improved dimension, pattern and/or profile that will improve sediment transport, and manage surface waters and groundwater levels in floodplains, riparian areas, and wetlands
Construct rock and woody structures to provide instream habitat, stabilize streambanks and the channel bed
Restore and stabilize streambanks
Establish a riparian buffer, remove invasive plant species and reestablish native plants, trees, and shrubs
Reconnect and enhance the floodplain and ponds, and allow upstream fish passage for spawning