Little Brasstown Creek Restoration Project
This restoration project is located on a stream reach at the confluence of Garringer and Little Brasstown Creek.
Little Brasstown Creek
Tributary of the Hiwassee River
Cherokee County, Brasstown, NC
Status: Complete
Stream Restored: ~1,725 feet
Resource Concern/Issues:
This restoration project is located on a stream reach at the confluence of Garringer and Little Brasstown Creek. The stream reach was unstable and impaired from eroding streambanks.
The Little Brasstown project employed several Natural Channel Design techniques. The project team realigned the channel and excavated the floodplain. They also installed log j-hook vanes, toe wood revetments, and cobble riffles.
The project team also created a riparian buffer zone by planting temporary and permanent seed live Stakes and bare roots.
Little Brasstown Creek prior to restoration.
Project Objectives:
Improve water quality by reducing sediment, nutrient, organic, and inorganic loading of the stream and reduce streambank erosion
Stabilize the stream reach to prevent further aggradation or degradation by providing an improved dimension, pattern and/or profile that will improve sediment transport, and manage surface waters and groundwater levels in floodplains, riparian areas, and wetlands
Construct rock and woody structures to provide instream habitat, stabilize streambanks and the channel bed
Install fencing to restrict livestock access to the stream corridor to protect streambanks and streambank vegetation
Establish a riparian buffer, remove invasive plant species and reestablish native plants, trees, and shrubs